Category: Articles, Op-Eds and Letters

Forum: A Lesson On Justice and Its Indivisibility

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” – Martin Luther King in Birmingham jail, 1963 Our right...

Forum: Let them in

Stanley Heller is executive director of the Middle East Crisis Committee (CT). He can be reached at Our former vice president [of Middle East Crisis Committee], Mazin Qumsiyeh, is in Naples, Italy on...

Forum: Keep Families Together

From the U.S.-Mexico border to Palestine, the U.S. and Israel are separating kids from their families and imprisoning them. Decent people are outraged by the Trump administration’s abusive treatment of children, ripping them from...

Forum: When the Power Goes Out

The visit this week of former Israeli U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor to the Slifka Center at Yale is a good time to reflect on Israel’s management of its relationship with Gaza since it “ended...

Forum: Hunger strikes, hunger deaths

The hunger strike of Local 33 at Yale makes me think about a much larger hunger strike going inside the prisons of Israel. A few weeks ago Omar Barghouti’s Gandhi Peace Award acceptance speech...

“Why I Support BDS”

Published in the New Haven Register April 30, 2017 The Israeli government’s policies towards Palestinians, and the behavior of some Israeli settlers, do not reflect the Jewish moral code by which I was raised....