Author: JVP New Haven

Forum: Keep Families Together

From the U.S.-Mexico border to Palestine, the U.S. and Israel are separating kids from their families and imprisoning them. Decent people are outraged by the Trump administration’s abusive treatment of children, ripping them from...

Keep Families Together

From the US-Mexico border to Palestine, the US and Israel are separating kids from their families and imprisoning them. Decent people are outraged by the Trump administration’s abusive treatment of children, ripping them from...

Passover and Refugees

“It’s not much of a stretch to link the Passover Seder with the pressing humanitarian and political issue of refugees and immigration. After all, when Jews worldwide recount the story of the Israelites slavery,...

A Slap Against Apartheid

Ahed Tamimi is a 16-year-old Palestinian girl whose courageous resistance against the violent illegal 50 year occupation of her community has drawn worldwide attention – and landed her in jail. Her crime was slapping...

New Year’s Resolutions

UNGA A/RES/ES-10/19: On December 21, 2017 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved the resolution, by a vote of 128-9-35 (yes-no-abstain), which in part “demands that all States comply with [prior] Security Council (UNSC)...

Lights and Dedication of Chanukah

Chanukah  means “dedication”. This year, in the midst of the oppression of marginalized communities, Jewish Voice for Peace New Haven dedicates our lighting of the Chanukah candles to our solidarity with these communities. We...

Forum: When the Power Goes Out

The visit this week of former Israeli U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor to the Slifka Center at Yale is a good time to reflect on Israel’s management of its relationship with Gaza since it “ended...

JVP New Haven is proud to join with scores of groups nationwide in defense of the right to advocate boycott. In Connecticut, please contact Sen. Blumenthal (202 224-2823) and Reps. Courtney (202 225-2076) and...